The Uniti Car Now Launched. Enabled by Tele2 IoT

The Uniti car – enabled by Tele2 IoT – now launched

The 7th of December 2017 the Uniti car was launched to a worldwide audience. 2500 people in Landskrona and many, many more through live link got to take part of the technical innovation that will hit the roads soon.

The role of Tele2 IoT

The perfect formula for a successful Internet of Thing (IoT) solution is a good strategy, a great culture and solid and reliable partnerships. We at Tele2 IoT are happy to have partnered up with team Unity, supporting this innovation moving forward. We dont only share synergies in strategy and culture with team Unitiy, but also the passion for contribution to a sustainable environment.

Tele2 IoT will provide secure and reliable connectivity solutions to each Uniti car. Data will be used to provide a unique and inspiring user experience trough for example diagnostics and infotainment.

Read more about Tele2 IoT and Uniti partnership here.

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