The global IoT in agriculture market was valued at nearly $22 billion in 2021 and is expected reach more than $35 billion by 2026. This growth is being driven by a number of factors, including the need for greater efficiency, better use of manpower, keeping costs under control, and enhancing animal welfare – and this is where IoT-powered technology can have a real impact. Founded in 2005, Luda.Farm is all about making smart farming easy through their app My.Luda.Farm and their simple, easy to install solutions that address the real needs of real farmers, without having to have extensive technical knowledge or a big IT setup.
Luda.Farm was an early player when they began offering IoT-based agriculture solutions to the market in 2017. The company has two IoT solutions: the SmartPlug and the FenceAlarm and the beauty of both is that they are essentially plug-and-play, which means farmers enjoy the benefits of using IoT technology while focusing on what they do best: farming. Luda.Farm does the rest.
The FenceAlarm monitors electrical fences, sending alerts to the My.Luda.Farm app if, for example, a fence post falls over, the grass grows too long, or the fence touches the ground in some way, which will cause the fence to lose voltage. Being able to receive an alert on the app means famers save a lot of time because they no longer have to go out and manually check fences.
“Normally, a farmer goes and checks all of their fences once or twice a day, just to check that everything is ok, which is very time consuming when you consider the area fences are spread across, even on the smallest of farms,” explains Jonas Andersson, CEO Luda Farm. “Luda.Farm’s FenceAlarm sends you notifications if the fence voltage is lowered, which not only saves time and manpower, but also money, because it allows them to address any challenges quickly.”
Fence.Alarm is also about animal safety and welfare, because if a fence goes down and the animals escape, the farmer won’t know where they will go or what will happen to them.
Luda.Farm’s other IoT offering, the SmartPlug, brings a number of different benefits. There is the part where it saves money and optimizes processes, but there is also the softer side of things, which is making sure your animals are well taken care of.