The Tele2 IoT Sustainability White Paper

Discover how IoT technology can help businesses meet their sustainability goals

When we talk about IoT we often talk about the competitive advantage it gives in areas like predictive maintenance, manufacturing, and smart cities. But when it comes to sustainability, the potential to tackle the many environmental challenges faced by the world today using IoT solutions is enormous. Everything from agriculture (agritech) and smart homes to manufacturing and logistics can benefit from the insights gained by using IoT, helping us conserve energy, water, and other valuable resources. 

Learn how IoT can help companies to meet their sustainability goals:

  • Three ways IoT supports sustainability 
  • Water Management: how IoT helps control and save water resources 
  • Agriculture: how smart farming and the data generated allows farmers to reduce waste and enhance productivity 
  • Energy: why IoT is an essential and integral part of the smart grid dynamic 
  • Biodiversity: how IoT addresses threats to biodiversity 
  • Why IoT adoption is critical for companies that want stay competitive 

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