The Tele2 IoT Operations team is on the job 24/7, making sure our customers get the service they want and need, and that when challenges arise, they are dealt with efficiently and that everyone’s happy with the outcome.
On average, the Operations team has about 20-25 customer contacts each day, and most of those contacts concern cases that are already open. We contact the customer to resolve a case or to update them on what we’ve done, what we’re going to do, and what they need to do on their side in order to resolve the case. We like to work proactively because we understand the frustration challenges can bring to our customers – and we also like to follow up to make sure no new problems have come up.
It almost always comes down to data
There isn’t really what we could call a ‘typical customer contact’, but I would say at least 80% of our calls are related to data – this of course is a problem because IoT is, after all, nothing without data.
The majority of the time the problem is that they aren’t getting their data. Maybe they can’t establish a connection, or they can’t send any data. For the most part it’s easy to solve. We have amazing internal teams, like NOC and our Core teams, who quickly help us identify what has gone wrong. Just as often we can fix it ourselves.
Quite often it is something as simple as the customer doesn’t have the correct APN settings in their device – basically, it’s a clerical error that is easily resolved. Another possibility is that the customer is in another country and there is an issue with a roaming partner. Either way, we do a trace from our side and identify the problem, then resolve it.
Other common issues involve SMS and Voice – and often it’s the same problem as with data: the settings are wrong in the device. We check the communication profile and make sure everything is activated as it should be, and also see if there is any error from the configuration side, as well as what they have in their plan.