’Phygital’ is just the latest in a series of buzzwords describing the meeting of the physical (offline) and digital (online) worlds. The physical world can include anything – a building, a vehicle, or an animal, or even the way a crowd moves through a crowded event or how traffic flows at an intersection. When physical things have digital twins, the ‘thing’ is in the real world and the twin is the digital data generated.
This ‘phygital’ meeting of the physical and digital worlds reflects a general shift in human consciousness, where people want to create a digital world that can be interacted with as if it’s a physical world. Today, it is nearly impossible to imagine a world where any physical object does not have a digital component in one way or another. And online environments, such as social networks and e-commerce, which currently only exist in digital form, will merge with physical objects not just as a supplement, but as an integral part of them. This is a marked change from when the digital revolution kicked off in the 1950s – back then it was all about the transformation of analogue and mechanical activities to digital activities.