2G and 3G networks have been around for decades and billions of IoT devices have relied on them for their connectivity. Both generations have enabled an affordable way to keep devices connected almost anywhere in the world, whether those devices are static or on the go. But now it is time for modernization and upgrades, and with only so much bandwidth to go, with 4G already established, the rollout of 5G underway, and IoT-specific technologies such as LTE-M now available, 2G and 3G will be retired and replaced.

Decommissioning of 2G and 3G has already been initiated and/or completed in some parts of the world, including in Canada and Australia, with the US to be next. Other countries and regions have a wide range of sunsetting dates, with most of Europe looking at the end of 2025, although that is not a unilateral date for all countries. Switzerland will likely be the first European country to completely close 2G, which is estimated to happen at the end of 2023. The bottom line is that 2G and 3G will eventually be retired everywhere, so this is an issue that cannot be avoided.